martedì 15 agosto 2023

256 - Tamiya BBX: ESC Alternatives (not really!)

During the last two weeks I've considered the idea to retire my Ko Propo EX-5 radio for a modern one. Of course my first choice is ever another Ko but noted that finding a entry level one (the EX-2 standard edition) is a mission close to the impossible, so I've considered some alternatives (Sanwa or Futaba not chinese crap of course).

In my weird brain if I could not use a Ko Propo radio in my BBX I could not have use also the brand new Ko Propo VFS-FR2 ESC bought on purpouse... ok, it sounds weirder written than only thought.

So, following the mood of the moment, I wanted to check if my unused M-Troniks TT-60 will fit: with its large footprint it fullfill the ESC tray and with its low height stay comfortable under its hood, it could be a good option but I will use the VFS-FR2... end of the paranoia of the week 😅

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