sabato 23 settembre 2023

273 - Tamiya BBX: Cutting, Trimming and Painting

Yesterday and today have been Two days of intense building, finally I've faced the body cutting and the its painting. A step in every model's build that scares me most of the times 😓

It have been the hardest lexan body cut of my entire life as RC cars enthusiast and from what I'm reading on the Web I'm in good fellowship.

The BBX body is a beautiful six pieces masterpiece made out of high quality lexan that gives to this new buggy a unique appeal but, this time, Mister Tamiya I have to complanin because cutting and trimming it has been a real tour de force... yesterday evening my eyes were tired as after a full office day in front of one of my excel spreadsheet.

After the entire afternoon of cutting and trimming, before goin to sleep, friday evening I've cleaned the body to have it ready to be painted early this moorning (I've sprayed the first coat at the first lights). So this morning I've started with the first coats... unfortunately I've forgot to use a glove with the results shown in the pic below: 😁

Starting so early allowed me to spray in black coat the back of the main colors before lunch, the result satisfy me because both green and white looks uniform and "solid".

From the pics in this post is pretty clear that the dilemma between Metallic Green and Camel Yellow have been solved, I've decided for the first also considering that the silver cage of this car, in my opionin, will not accords to much with a yellow body.

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