sabato 26 novembre 2022

209 - Acto Power Off Roader 2WD Motor #53122 (part 3)

This morning I've reached my parents home in my hometown for my weekly visit, so I had some spare hours for my RC projects. Since some weeks my attention is for my Acto Power motor and in the last week I've received the new rotor ordered from Tony Tamiya Parts in the UK (that is one of the most correct, precise and well furnished seller of Tamiya parts on this planet) and a pair of Tamiya spray cans from Amazon... and I've realized that I ordered the primer in the wrong color: light gray instead of white. It isn't a huge error, primer will stand under the main color... but I know that its color is wrong and I will remeber it for the eternity.

Before spraying the motor can with primer I've cleaned it for the last time using warm water, hand soap and a nylon brush for bottles. Considering that today have been a nice, windy and dry moorning so I've decided to lay it outside for drying (and Bora wind dries everything in few minutes) while I went to the supermarket so, before lunch with the can perfectly dryed, I sprayed the primer and I like the result A LOT.

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