New radio and electronics tray (raw) made out of plexyglass
and chassis plates deep clening.
sabato 31 ottobre 2015
venerdì 23 ottobre 2015
156 - Tonkatsu 2.0 Project Has Started
At this point I've decided to consider my Brat as finished... well, it's not finished but it's, more or less, like when a maul doesn't go forward on the rugby field. So it's time to start my next project: clean, refurb and modify my CR01, again. It needs a new and definitive electronic tray design, maybe some chassis upgrades and a new body.
mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015
venerdì 16 ottobre 2015
154 - Minor Works
This week only minor works have been done.
Better set-up for cables:
venerdì 9 ottobre 2015
153 - Electronic Set-up For The Brat
Pretty tired to paint the body and to correct my errors, with the electronics I've ordered and received, I've completed the car. I've choose a re-branded HK ESC and a low end Savox digital servo because I've considered that for this car is enough.
I've noticed that minor adjustments are needed to fit lipos and, as usual, the first layout for the cables disappoint me: I will solve it ASAP.